Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day of 1st Grade

I like first grade because it is nice. It is nice because it is very fun. Today we got to go to Art. We had another tour of the school, but it was fun. We had lots of fun. Lots of things were going on. We have to be super quiet because the older grades are studying very hard. I only had to walk the fence once at recess because I talked in the hallway. My Mom wants me to include my teachers name, but I am not going to. She looks like Snow White. My friends Tabitha and Gabriella from Southside are in my class this year. The bus forgot to pick me up, so my Mom had to drive me. I think we should have a pizza party for people who are good on Mondays.

Here is a picture of the lunch my Mom packed for me on the first day along with some other pictures we took while waiting for the bus that never came!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I went to church today with only my grandma. My dad wasn't feeling well and my parents and my baby sister and brother stayed home. I'm sure they had a great time at home; I had a great time at church. I like church because you learn about the Gospel and other things. I like music time the best. We came home from church and then I ate a ham sandwich, and that's all for today.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Time for First Grade

I hope I like first grade. We'll be learning more stuff, but two of my cousins, Mason and Paige, will be learning other things. There are going to be friends from kindergarten in my school class, and I'm sure that I will recognize them. I hope it's fun. And that's it for today.