Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day of 1st Grade

I like first grade because it is nice. It is nice because it is very fun. Today we got to go to Art. We had another tour of the school, but it was fun. We had lots of fun. Lots of things were going on. We have to be super quiet because the older grades are studying very hard. I only had to walk the fence once at recess because I talked in the hallway. My Mom wants me to include my teachers name, but I am not going to. She looks like Snow White. My friends Tabitha and Gabriella from Southside are in my class this year. The bus forgot to pick me up, so my Mom had to drive me. I think we should have a pizza party for people who are good on Mondays.

Here is a picture of the lunch my Mom packed for me on the first day along with some other pictures we took while waiting for the bus that never came!


Emily said...

That's one full backpack you have Marley! Looks like you had a good day!

Annie said...

i agree they should have a pizza party for those who are good. Sounds like you had a great first day even though it got off to rocky start with the silly bus driver. Glad you had fun pretty girl.

Dusty said...

Sounds like your first day went pretty well...I am glad you feel like school is fun.

You sure looked pretty in your the pictures you posted, too. Both Grandma Jackie and I enjoyed seeing them. I am not sure about the face you were pulling on the one with your lunch contents, maybe you weren't excited about the things you had to eat. We laughed about your backpack being almost as big as you were, Marley. Be careful not to hurt your back lifting it.

Thanks for posting, talk to you soon, OK?

Grandpa D.

Mason Fonnesbeck said...

This is from Aunt Erin, not Mason.

Oh Marley! I am sorry the bus didn't come, but I am glad your mom got you there because it sounds like you had a fantastic day! I hope you will tell us your teacher's name soon. I am on the edge of my seat to find out! Maybe you will just want to call her Miss White since she looks like Snow White. I miss you!